28 August 2010

to Sir : a Vanity fair


a Vanity fair,  to this Vanity, Sir.

" Frailty , thy name is Vanity." *

~but I like a little a tiered dressing table, embroidery & silk skirted vanity stool, grandly scaled floral walls, silk curtains- all in misty shades of gray. No?  Sir.

I love this, Sir, & I told you so.

but Sir

I do not love this 
a low Brummel, indeed.

(both images from the same, Sir.)

apologies to Shakespeare who did not say -Vanity thy Name is Woman, but "Frailty, Thy name is woman." (oh, that's much worse) -from Hamlet ,said by Hamlet to his mother's hasty marriage to Uncle Claudius after his father- the King's death.

apologies to my Vanity Fair-where the image is from eludes me- I think it is Vogue.


  1. Your level of clever is at an all time high! Love to read your posts. So inspiring. Hope you are well.

  2. I agree... a vanity should be indulgent in all respects - even if one only uses it to play.

  3. CC, Sir, now THEY will get the hint! I loved your posts and could not resist. I know which one you'd have. pgt

  4. Gwen, all praise goes to CC and vanity.

    Author-I had one in a larger bathroom in pale pink silk-the kidney shape. It sat right in front of a big window with perfect light. I used it everyday, I miss it everyday as I stand at another window in a very small one.

  5. Shall I be the brave soul to suggest that the move towards modernist has really been about ease of mass production? Oops. You didn't hear that come from my mouth....

  6. And the prices?!

    Besides 17th Century English furniture, oak has always been a less desirable wood... alder wood or mystery composite wood even worse... oops again.

    Someone needs to do a weekly 'decorative arts to poke fun at' posting. Educational (as well as slightly fun) don't you think ;)



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