24 December 2014

Childlike Faith

photograph by Rudolf Koppitz Christmas c.1927

Imagine the wonder of a child's Christmas in 1927 ?
A tree lit with candles tied to its branches. 
A mother that shares your Christmas wonder.  
Maybe a train set, or a doll- christened PATRICIA under the tree,*
A box full of red apples, tart oranges, and peppermint sticks.*

Yes, VIRGINIA*, there is a Santa Claus. 
He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist, and you know that they abound and give to your life its highest beauty and joy. 
Alas! how dreary would be the world if there were no Santa Claus. 
It would be as dreary as if there were no VIRGINIAS. 
There would be no childlike faith then, no poetry, no romance to make tolerable this existence. 
We should have no enjoyment, except in sense and sight. 
The eternal light with which childhood fills the world would be extinguished.

A Christmas Wish & New Year's Resolution...
This year-May You Renew your Childlike Faith in all things & make tolerable this existence.

*My mother's favorite Christmas present as a child-and Yes Virginia-she named that doll Patricia

*From an affluent family at the height of the Depression, my mother,born in 1930, remembers a single-and special gift most Christmases, and a box wrapped in colorful papers holding fruit & candy. This was her Christmas. What a contrast with today's hoard.

*Virginia O'Hanlan became a teacher & school administrator, earning her masters from Columbia, and doctorate from Fordham University. (read more here)


  1. A wonderful wish & resolution written with such gracious flair! I love learning about Virginia. Love and Christmas joy to you, PGT. xo

  2. Yes! Compared to today's horde. I find that I am becoming much less focused on the "horde"--haven't been to a Mall in years. But there is still the magic of Christmas. Have a wonderful day! xoxo Mary

  3. Listening yesterday to NPR, in a long interview program with the station's film critic, it was interesting to hear him explaining his [widely shared] respect for the film, "Boyhood," by saying that it allows us to observe a state of mind which we watch being extinguished. I admire, rather, your encouragement of defying this process, and again I find your offerings to be as perceptive as anything I read. Please continue ~ amitiés ~

  4. Wonderful post Gaye. I hope I can find my way 'home' this new year.

  5. Gaye this story was very special to me. During the depression, my Mother also received a small box of fruit, nuts and a bit of candy. Wonderful thoughts and images!. All the best to you in the coming New Year!

    The Arts by Karena



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