09 June 2009

it's Raining Roses



we- here in nc- are experiencing showers everyday. yes, everyday- it seems for the last two weeks, with this week promising to be the same.

my brother kct and his partner jrg have the most amazing roses.

they also have an amazing 1940's Greek Revival style house here in town.

they come in most weekends-the last not so. heading off to NYC for a bit, leaving some roses that needed cutting, and Me, being my sweet self, happily making the sacrifice.

of course I would have to bring some roses home & dead head the little beautys.

it rained roses.

I felt like I was harvesting, not to mention the bud and blooms that had gotten heavenly-ish over watered, to say the least.

what started as a bouquet - became a crop.

heartbreakingly, many went by the wayside (that would be the trashcan)

my house is FULL of roses today.

it's raining roses inside today.

in the living room

in the den

turquoise hobnail vase- one of my mothers wedding gifts- c. 1950

chartreuse opaline vase

in the hallway

a mercury glass cylinder- once held a slatkin candle

the dining room

in a pair of little trophy cups

I love this container- once a candle by cz guest

should I wish for downpours this week?

the rose guys will be here this weekend- oh sigh- I've missed them so.

How does your garden grow?


  1. Dear, You do know how treasured such a hobnail vase as this is. BCT

  2. So beautiful, the essence nearly comes through with the photos. One may be wise, however, to post guard next year when one's buttercups bloom, in case Brother decides to return the favor.

  3. Brenda, I am banking on rain this week and roses for the weekend- I did them a huge favor-to my mind.I will watch the buttercups now that you mention it. thanks for stopping in. g.

  4. Love the roses I'll help you gather them any time.

  5. Love the roses. I always ready to help harvest.

  6. sj, If ever I am let on the premises again You got it. g

  7. This is such a beautiful post. I love roses and these are heavenly, Your home? So beautiful too.



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