22 June 2013

safe, in my garden



  1. How astonishing......I know not many people who remember this song!

    It was my favorite! It resonated with me.....and the "garden thing" is how I have lived my life these many years on!

    I didn't concsiously remember until \you posted this!

    Thank you so, so much!

    1. Me too PB. I listened to it yesterday in my car-I always love to her its reverence and truth-on so many levels. Is Beauty, Peace and Serenity too much to long for in a world where so much of it exists in our daily life? I don't think so.

  2. I wish this post was a scratch and sniff!

    1. that might be too too much. but honestly the scent of gardenias never tires me. I've got 5 pots of it in my rooms right now and I am delighted in each one upon entering. pgt

  3. Hello PGT

    I absolutely love this post and have been playing the song over and over. Thank you for the joy you have given me today

    Helen xx

  4. The gardenias this year are the best I have ever seen. Tons of flowers but so sad they only last a couple of days when I bring them inside. What a scent! that and lilacs have always been favorites.



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