05 August 2011

Summer Slim CZ


photographs of C.Z. Guest by Slim Aarons

a summer classic-
the book-the wicker chaise- the all white wardrobe & the water



  1. Great images. He had a gift. And I would love to read Frank Zachary's intro; I might have a photo of two of him when I worked at Hearst!

  2. Totally agree with Bruce B. And you, charmed bibliomane that you are, must relish the reproduction of the penultimate portrait as the cover for The New York Review of Books' republication of Darcy O'Brien's "A Way of Life, Like Any Other" (and why has not our Daniel, reviewed this for us yet?), with introducton by Seamus Heaney, no less, and containing the immortally useful line within, "Well, you just fell in love with the wrong Princetonian."

    If the hammer you direct with this page, should ever by virtue of some sudden atmospheric intervention miss the nail of its intended consolation, I offer my head in cheerful substitution, and in anticipation of its improvement.

  3. I beat you to a Pauline Trigère post, so you beat me to a Slim Aarons post? Dirty pool, Gaye. No pun intended, of course

    I don't blame you - such elegant compositions, really



  4. Bruce, he did and was there for it. that is a part of it no?

    JWC, David- glamour isn't what it use to be.

  5. Carter- I swear Sir, I did not know!but now I do and rushed right over to see it-what a good book that looks like, are you going to read it- and how could you possibly get another little thing in there were I to claim it for use? PGT

  6. Barima-You had better write that CZ SLIM post!! pgt

  7. I just love the great Dane - 'Unleash the hounds...'



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