I hope Moses and Peele are loafing in green pastures together- and raising a little hell too! For me, I have another chapter to write and a new dog -Zetta-to help me find it.
I received the most wonderful gift from a fellow blogger Patricia-go there now and see it for yourselves. What a warm welcome from pve.
Portrait of a Dog.

I've waxed about Edith Wharton in several posts- well, here she is again. A great dog lover, pictured with one of the many dogs in her life.

Young Edith Jones with friends-

Edith Wharton's library at the Mount full of her books and doubtless, her "little old dog, a heartbeat at my feet."

The incomparable Elsie de Wolfe with the dogs in her life- Her breed, the Pekingese.

A room in Elsie's Villa Trianon at Versailles. I can SO see- Elsie's dogs here in the Long Gallery. The warm honeyed camels were an inspiration in my little sitting room designed for Moses.

I love this room by Elsie de Wolfe- designed for her once lady friend Elisabeth Marbury. It is modern, comfortable and full of books, just as all rooms should be- along with dogs!

The late Pauline de Rothschild-with her dog Gogo. My personal style icon (how could anyone resist or dispute?), photographed by Horst. The balustrades in this picture at Mouton are trompe l 'oeil red ochre and gray marble.

Pauline de Rothschild and the Baron in the Living Room at Chateau de Mouton-again the mellow camel- a design favorite of my own.

Stylish and creative, Carolyne Roehm, Bill Blass referred to her as the "ultimate tastemaker." Her breed of choice- West Highland Terriers- pictured here- Her country dogs come to the city, Lucky and Lady.

One of Roehm's wonderful rooms with both masculine and feminine strengths~

I don't know why?, but I feel I know Bunny Williams. Maybe it is because of her own intense love for dogs and her perfectly designed interiors- custom built for style, comfort and intimacy-and just for her client eyes only. It doesn't matter that the entire design world wants to watch.
Bunny Williams with her dogs- a true breed of their own-Charlie and Lucy.

Bunny's room- all dogs love this color palette- Again mellow, mellow.

Bunny Williams office- no doubt her dogs are frequently here too and if I'm not mistaken her friends and their dogs too, as the photograph of Kitty Hawks reveals. Actually these two designers and friends created a dog show for dogs of mixed breeds in New York that focused on the importance of adopting dogs from shelters and just all round good care for the dogs we love.

Her rooms are discreet and serene, Kitty Hawks another dog lover/ designer with one of her dogs.

A Kitty Hawks interior~

Ruthie Sommers and her dog- much sought after by Domino readers (the much sought after dog is the designer's own- not available at any price.)

A room from Ruthie Somer's portfolio

Great post! Love the painting of Moses and you and Moses (on dve or is it pve?). Anyway, I'm having trouble with your blog updating on my Google page - trying to figure it out, but to no avail so far. Kelly
ReplyDeleteI'm sure I'm the culprit- I have been fiddling with blog101- I hope maybe I have worked it out on my end.
ReplyDeleteI just found your blog. I'm a dog lover too. Moses looks like he was a good boy.