14 October 2009

Betty rebel

a little reminder: January Jones wants you to know it's just a tv show, Mad Men Calendar Girl- JANUARY JONES gets real. see the pictures& read January's reality here

Terry Richardson
photographer for GQ


  1. Haha, that's quite good Betty rebel. I bet she is feeling that she will get just more than a bit typecast. Good for her. She seems to be a rebel and Ashton Kucher, who knew?

  2. She's something-like her much better after reading the article.

  3. Really! After the highly demure version of LdV, what a shock. It's no accident these postings one after the other, I'm sure. You've probably interpreted the inner beast of each "lady"!

  4. should add : photos have to be invervsed for interp of beasties in each personality.



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