29 January 2011

mourning papers




  1. I am glad the papers are not covered in sentimental text. Simple weeping willows for the weeping heart.... that feels more appropriate than what one normally has on offer, doesn't it?

  2. These are so beautiful. I remember my Grandmother having mourning stationary, white with a grey border after my Grandfather died

  3. I tried to leave a comment earlier, and ran into difficulty. But I just wanted to say that in all the time I've been collecting ephemera (and it's been a long time), I've never run into mourning papers, and here you have a whole grouping! I think they're stunning - I particularly like the cherubs with trumpets.

  4. Hels, agreed. They are quite beautiful and heavily embossed.

    David-another thing of the past. does facebook really apply in these cases?

    Mark- These are my own. Oddly, I was not looking for them-I think I purchased on ebay. they were all together and the unmarked ones-are obviously in perfect condition. I love them too.

  5. and of course the title in pun of "morning papers"-while I am sure they are referred to as cards. I just could not help myself! pgt

  6. incredible elegance - such beauty even in the lowest ebbs of life
    although living in the Modern Age has its advantages, nothing can compare to the attention to detail of life in past ages

    jga in Ft Worth

    see? simply NO elegance in an e-mail address....sigh



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