23 March 2012

CYS of a Child


"My line is childlike but not childish.- Cy Twombly

" It is very difficult to fake.. to get that quality you need to project yourself into the child's line.-Cy Twombly

It has to be felt"

The Pursuit of Truth and Beauty is a sphere of activity in which we are permitted to REMAIN CHILDREN all our lives- Albert Einstein

Goya's Don Manuel Osorio Manrique de Zuiga
Horst images of Twombly



  1. There was a time when meadow, grove, and stream,
    The earth, and every common sight,
    To me did seem
    Appareled in celestial light,
    The glory and the freshness of a dream.
    It is not now as it hath been of yore--
    Turn whereso'er I may, By night or day,
    The things which I have seen I can see no more.
    ......Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting:
    ......The thought of our past years in me doth breed
    Perpetual benediction: not indeed
    For that which is most worthy to be blest;
    Delight and liberty, the simple creed,
    Of Childhood, whether busy or at rest,
    ......But for those first affections,
    Those shadowy recollections,
    Which, be they what they may,
    Are yet the fountain light of all our day,
    Are yet a master light of all our seeing:
    Uphold us, cherish, and power to make
    Our noisy years seem moments in the being
    Of the eternal Silence: truths that wake,
    To perish never;
    ......What though the radiance which was once so bright
    Be now forever taken from my sight,
    Though nothing can bring back the hour
    Of splendor in the grass, of glory in the flower;
    We will grieve not, rather find
    Strength in what remains behind;
    In the primal sympathy
    Which having been must ever be......

  2. I just wanted to say: Yes,

    that's it.

    Albert & Cy & You have got it-

    Just. Right.



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