I suppose Scarlet O'Hara of GONE WITH THE WIND infamy- was the first gal I knew that literally WORE her curtains. I always wondered who made that fabulous confection of green velvet. She pulled together her patterns and designed the frock, but I think Mammy did most of the sewing, or perhaps it was sister Sue Ellen.
Right now I see many prints that are the exact fabric I have used. I rarely repeat a fabric in my design work-But on occasion one comes along that is a brilliant "workhorse."
It GOES with everything: IMPERIAL TRELLIS by designer Kelly Werstler. I have use the wallpaper and the fabric. My favorite colorway is the Citrine and Ivory.
my dear~ what a lucky little powder room~m.
ReplyDeleteAnd to think they used to claim there was no overlap in fashion and furnishing fabrics. Hah!