03 January 2013

Van Noten's World of Interiors

seldom am I errant in studying the current issue of The World of Interiors-but the December issue, all about fashion, was lost on me.

blame it on the season, however it did not disappoint when I opened its pages New Year's Eve. In a world  inundating us all with imagery, insight, parody & parroting -this magazine still invigorates the anesthetized senses.

"The idea was to give each one creative carte blanche, allowing them to interpret the brief in as literal or abstract a manner as they wished. Compiled over the past eight months, the choices you see here are resolutely their own." World of Interiors editor,Rupert Thomas

Much as my recurring stories about how they decorated-World of Interiors December issue visited 15 fashion designers to see how they live and decorate. It is a beautiful piece-with designers Dries Van Noten, Vivienne Westwood & Christopher Bailey of Burberry- sharing their homes. These particularly, I identified with and yes-I can say the clothes they design appeal to me equally. Their design styles typify an eclectic & creative way of decorating I love. Seemingly disparate pieces come together in ways that defy logic, resulting in highly personal spaces.Van Noten takes pieces whose original function may seem archiac in today's world-and adapts them to house cd's and dried goods.

Whether you subscribe or not-it is worth the newstand price each month-

Here's a peek at Dries Van Noten's home, my favorite- and at Vogue UK here. (& World of Interiors is on facebook too.)

(a paraphrase of BACON?)

A Van Noten Still Life from The World of Interiors, December 2012.

Zuber, Christopher Hodsoll & Sir Joshua Reynolds all coexist in Van Noten's Belgian Palladian-style Summerhouse- 
photograph by Koen de Waal from The World of Interiors

Dries Van Noten's Spring Collection

Leon de Smet's Paintings in the Van Noten Palette
Dries Van Noten cites Flemish painter Leon de Smet as a favorite-
 and one of de Smet's paintings hangs on the wall in Van Noten's Red Sitting Room.

DRIES love links: 

Dries Van Noten

 Blouin ArtInfo

It's About Time- de Smet's Women

 Dries Van Noten's Spring Collection Vogue.com

Little Augury on Dries Van Noten



  1. This is the only magazine I subscribe to in its physical form anymore. I have 25 years worth of it and going back through old issues never fails to inspire me. I agree this latest issue was pretty fabulous. There is a tremendous overlap between interior design and fashion, especially with regard to color and fabric!

    1. Lynne, Yes-those issues are cherished here as well. I am always inspired by fashion-color and pattern especially,DVN particularly suits my personal choice and I try to add something of his every year. pgt

  2. It is all connected isn't it? What I mean is one's interests, specifically mine, are enjoying something serendipitous and it all has to do with things Scottish. I've long been interested in Scotland, the lonely cold wet windworn islands like Fair Isle for example - and yesterday before I read my daily dose of Little A and saw your wonderful book links to Scottish homes, I'd been internet traveling to Fair Isle, wishing for one of those hand knit colored wonderful jumpers, wondering, could I live there, on an island so remote that sheep outnumber people who dare to take up life on that small rock of a place, so remote, so alone - could I? I spent I think hours in and on and around those Scottish Islands, Oh I love this internet! - and when I came to, woke up from my reveries, I came here to Little Augury, to find - Scotland. Coincidence? Maybe. Or maybe not. Either way, what fun, and my mind is popping with more questions than answers about this lovely lonely place of plaids and thistle and dreams. WHAT a long breathless "sentence" that was, apologies all around, but when I find a "subject" - it's a breathless sort of discovery, and it usually means a colorful and exciting period to follow. Now as for that plaid shirt - plaid scares me, but I love the colors - they'd work up into a gorgeous Fair Isle design sweater...

    1. PBB, well it is certainly all connected here! This is no "accident" I think call it whatever-creative flow-it bounces back and forth, often with friends and colleagues-and though connected physically or in the ether-it is present. This often accounts for designers-fashion more often- showing similar moods and shapes in their respective collections. Scotland is full of allure. The Scotland post was written before Christmas and I waited to publish this week-while another blogger I read used the Burns poem just after the holiday! And about plaid? while I tend to agree at this point-plaid from DVN is irresistible with that jacket. pgt

  3. It was the Times' Cathy Horan who first presented to me the genius of this artist. You may call him by any profession you like but this is his character. Again, a superlative declaration from this blog.

    1. Laurent, I agree. While some "fashion" designers become bought literally and figuratively Van Noten's desire to hold onto his work-his creative genius is rare. He can move through every facet of design-while many obtain genius in their field it does not always translate. What I did find with this extended piece in WOI-all the designers that opened their homes to the magazine-their work follows them home. PGT



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